Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Short and sweet

That's me! But seriously folks . . . this post will be brief, because I am due at a meeting at 3:30 at Riverview High. My mission is to gather some information about competing in the Academic Olympics. Official sponsor Mr. Woods can't attend due to other obligations, and Coach Brewer tapped me to go in his place. Why?

Because in your midst, folks, is a former regional champion at both the high school and college level. That's right, we took it all the way to Kalamazoo before being edged out by Eastern Michigan University in 1995. My thirst for information has deep roots, y'know?

In closing, all you out there making a million copies of your college app: be gentle with my machine. It jams when overheated, so be sure to give her a chance to cool down every once in a while. We'll all be much happier. (There's probably a metaphor in there somewhere.)

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