Today should have been quieter than usual, with the seniors away to meet their kindergarten buddies at the Lower School and the freshman on an all-day field trip, and yet it wasn't. It was the loudest day of the past six weeks.
The juniors are noisy. Well, many juniors are noisy - I hate lumping all of you together like that, but there it is. Perhaps you could start policing yourselves. The strangest part is that the very noisiest among you seem to have the least sense of it. Here, let me help you: if you are talking more than six inches away from someone, and that someone does not have to strain to hear you, you are talking too loudly.
This is not a totalitarian regime and I do not get any particular joy out of shouting or silencing people. But it is a library, and many people are here to study quietly and when you disturb them I am going to be a pain about it. You can talk anywhere, but quiet studiers need to be in the library, so they win.
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