In the last two weeks I have found myself repeating over and over again that there is no eating in the library. Is it OK to eat apples? No. Is it OK to eat after school but not during? No. Is it OK if I'm at a table and not looking at the books? NO. And here's why:
There you are, eating your granola bar or whatever at the table. Crumbs fall from your hand onto the carpet. Someone opens the door and a bug crawls in. Attracted to the granola crumbs, it crawls a little further, scarfs them up, and goes looking for another snack. And finds one in the glue bindings of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Music, which it proceeds to eat and thus refreshed goes searching for a mate. They reproduce, and now you're eating in a library full of bugs everywhere.
Stop eating in the library, or I'll tell the bugs where you live.
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