Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Library Olympics

I really need some new clothes! I have spent the better part of the day on the floor, in a skirt. My focus for the next few weeks will be weeding out-of-date materials from the collection, starting with reference, and shifting the books around to make room for new things. While I'm in there, I've been dusting - might as well do it now rather than later. (By the way, folks, I am finding a whole lot of candy wrappers wadded up and tucked behind the rows of books. Candy's forbidden in the library, of course, but even more forbidden is littering!) So there's your librarian: on the floor, trying to keep her knees out of sight, covered in dust and heaving around armloads of books like it's an Olympic event. Maybe it will be - 2012, here I come.

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