Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The most wonderful time of the year

It's not Christmas - it's Halloween of course! No one loves Halloween more than Miss Mandel. To that end, this year I decorated. This is actually a little out of character for me - I don't usually "decorate" per se as much as I just find books in a certain category and make a nice display: banned books, cookbooks for Thanksgiving, basketball books for March Madness, you get the idea. This is for two reasons - I don't like to spend book money on decorations, and I always feel like people might not want to take the books if it means poking around in my nice tabletop display.

This year I found the perfect solution to both problems: I spent $2 on fake cobwebs and I made displays that are very easy to take apart. Books are arranged by genre: vampires here, ghosts there, witches over yonder, generally scar books down that way. Come in and check them out before I take them all home and read them myself!

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