Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Food for thought

The library has a surprising collection of cookbooks. We like to have a little bit of everything here, and while the culinary selection is by no means comprehensive, it is delightful in its way. Some of the titles are historical in nature: The Medieval Cookbook; The Seasonal Hearth: The Woman at Home in Early America; something a little older still with Cooking in Ancient Civilizations; and a long-time library favorite - Cooking with Shakespeare.

Others are of regional or ethnic interest: Foods of Peru, Chile and Cuba; The World Religions Cookbook; and Culinaria France, with its gorgeous photographs and informative essays. We also have books for those of you only starting to experiment: Now You're Cooking or How to Boil Water might be just the thing for the kitchen-uninitiated. More experienced? Mastering the Art of French Cooking, the classic by American treasure Julia Child, is waiting quietly on the shelf for you to discover.

If you're more into thinking about it than actually doing it, we've got books for you too. In Defense of Food, an Eater's Manifesto, will make you think carefully about what you're putting in your body; Eat, Pray, Love lets you live vicariously through Elizabeth Gilbert as she ventured around the world and did all three; and - I'm saving the best for last here - M.F.K. Fisher's collected essays The Art of Eating is among my top five favorite books in the library, the first thing I checked out and took home when I got here.

However you spend your Thanksgiving holiday, you're going to eat something at some point. Why not take a moment to reflect on it? Vow to make next year's feast even better by helping to cook it, or at least offer a thoughtful appraisal of where it came from and why it matters.

*You didn't hear this from me, but Manischewitz boxed potato pancake mix makes a very fine latke, with the addition of a little fresh onion, if you don't have time or patience for all the shredding and squeezing.  NOT THAT I WOULD KNOW, OF COURSE.

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