Friday, October 18, 2013

Oh, the shame!

So. here's a trend that's probably long overdue: librarians anonymously confessing their secret library sins. Might surprise you - children's librarians who don't like Harry Potter. Shushing librarians who get caught talking so loud the patrons shush THEM. Otherwise upstanding souls who eat in the stacks. Librarians with books so overdue they're not allowed to check things out anymore. See? We're just like you.

So . . . what's my particular sin? What dark secret lurks in the 200s of my heart? I'LL NEVER TELL, although I will admit a couple of things on my bedside table might be a day or two overdue. Gawk at the infractions of my fellows instead on this Tumblr of library confessionals. (Also, I do have a public library card, for the record. Also one to Ringling College and to the University of South Florida. Maybe my secret is that I'm a library-card addict?)

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