Let's see - I had a faint cold feeling at the back of my neck today, so that can mean only one thing: MATH EXAM. And boy, was it. The entire gym, er, Thunderdome, was filled with long tables, three students to a table, plus pencils, calculators and scratch paper. Alas, no lucky trolls or other apotropaica. (Look it up. We have the whole Oxford English Dictionary in print, although I suppose strictly speaking that's not English.)
Math was this morning, followed by science in the afternoon. That seems either to be a sensible packaging of like topics together, or a diabolical plan to menace the non-logical. Whatever! It's 2:45 now, so the bulk of you are done. Tomorrow, English and foreign languages. Friday is reserved for history, plus any extra topics left hanging around, so allegedly we're done by noon, and then the joy begins. Winter break! I can almost taste it. Bet you can, too. After that double helping of exams, of course.
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