Monday, November 26, 2012

Don't stop now!

The turkey has been eaten, the football games have been played, some Black Friday retail therapy is complete . . . the winter holidays are just around the corner. Don't lose momentum! I know the end is in sight, but take a deep breath, center yourself and find the energy you need to see you through a successful midterm season. It will make enjoying the fruits of your labor so much sweeter.

When you're done, stop by and pick up something wonderful that you can really dive into over the break. Not sure what to pick? Come and visit - I love telling people what to read. What I mean is that I am very happy to ask you what you have read, what you like to read, and then figure out what treasure I have in the library to which I can introduce you that will delight and surprise you. The wonders of the season are unfolding - shepherd them along with some great literature.

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