Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Spotted on campus

I'm pretty sure my infamous love of Halloween is well-established at this point. I'm just glad I'm not alone - students and faculty really brought it this year! There were scary, funny, classic, clever and alarmingly realistic costumes, and not a sexy cop in the bunch. Great job - we all celebrated the holiday in style and nobody got detention or had to borrow a sweatshirt. Here are some willing victims who allowed me to share their photos in the name of All Hallows'.
Ms. Goldsby is the sweetest Medusa ever!

Mr. Lemieux celebrates the underdog as Charlie Brown.

Ms. Walsh gives a nod to her profession as Mother Nature herself.

Emma and Josh are very serious about being Minions.

Maria's Captain America will save the world, or at least AP Latin.

Abby's very realistic getup made me want to send her to the nurse's office.

Drew is a brave, brave sailor.

Annabelle is going to a sock hop after school!

And finally, my own dear sweet sixth graders, who took first prize in their category in the pumpkin decorating contest - not easy to do when you're trying to keep your pink mustache on straight.

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