Friday, January 29, 2010

Thunder Fun Day, complete with real thunder!

Not only is it Friday, it's the day before Thunder Fun Day. Tomorrow is the Fourth Annual Thunder Fun Day on the Uihlein Campus at Lakewood Ranch, a day filled with games, music, food, and, well, fun. This year, some actual thunder too - the weatherpeople are predicting some potentially exciting meteorology out there. Never fear! Activities and events (including the cakewalk) are scheduled to take place under tents and inside the Petrik Thunderdome, so Fun can happen no matter what's going on in the sky. I plan to be there with my #1 Son and his grandmother, so Fun is a virtual guarantee. Thunder too, apparently.

So come on out and join us - it's going to be a rainy Saturday, so you can't go to the beach, cut the grass or wash the car. Instead, hear some live music, play some games, eat a little popcorn and be with your friends. And . . . if you're curious about the weather you might be seeing, we just got a five-volume set of the Encyclopedia of Weather and Natural Disasters, so there's no need to stay underinformed. See you there.

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