Monday, April 20, 2009

Vegas, baby!

Well, you've heard the rumors. It's true: the librarians are converging on Las Vegas. That's right, we're going to kick up our heels in our sensible shoes. Do rhinestones go with brown tweed? Oh, stop. I've spent at least a portion of every day here proving that librarians are not at all the stodgy, puritanical, bun-wearing student-shushing harpies that popular culture would have us believe. At least, I hope so.

This week, the Association of Independent School Librarians is having its annual conference, and this year it so happens it's in Sin City. It's just the luck of the draw - it could have been Indianapolis or Pittsburgh. I"ll be spending the majority of my days learning about how other independent schools operate their libraries, what they have in common with us, how we might improve or be an example for others - very important, useful things. But, when in Rome . . . so perhaps in the interest of empirical research I might finally learn what "double down" actually means.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Here in the land of academia, we divide our time into semesters, then quarters, then weeks . . . the short version is that having returned from Spring Break, we've got six weeks left! Didn't I just get here a few minutes ago? And yet here I am, six weeks away from the end of my first year as a librarian.

As some journeys end, others are just beginning: the seniors go off for their internships for the month of May and return for commencement before they fly the nest for good, off to college and the great beyond. "Commencement" is an interesting term to use: it literally means that something begins - we picture it as the end of a long journey, but it's also where the path starts, doesn't it?

If I seem more philosophical than usual today it's because I'm contemplating my own journey. Several weeks ago I was hunting through some stored clothes, looking for my cap and gown to wear to commencement. The more degrees you have, the more elaborate the gowns get and so my ensemble includes a red velvet hood, along with assorted tassels. I found it, hung it up to shed its wrinkles and went on my way that day. And then suddenly I realized I'd be wearing it twice this year. My own graduation is mere months away, the culmination of years of work, and so in that regard I think I feel a little bit of what our seniors are experiencing - the relief at least, if not that delicious sensation of what the future might hold; that's already been fulfilled for me (see above!)

I have been working towards a master of arts in library science since 2003 and this summer I can finally enjoy some more letters after my name, finishing the last two classes required of me and taking that short but meaningful walk across the stage. And after that, a well-deserved celebration! The beauty of graduating as an adult is that one can plan one's own party; I suppose the downside is that I also get to pay for it, but hey, won't I be doing so with funds I earned because of the job I have due to the degree I'm getting?

So happy graduation, everyone. May your journey take you wherever you wish to go.